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You can purchase the Time Crunched Cyclist used for around $8-14 on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/193403083X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=texmoubiktra-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=193403083X" Being a competitive mountain biker is tough, it takes a serious committment to training in order to become a better and stronger cyclist. I found a great training tool in the Time Crunched Cyclist to get in serious mountain bike training in a short amount of time. I have personally been struggling to fit any riding and especially training into my busy schedule, but having a plan to follow helps you plan ahead and commit to improving. I have found the Time Crunched Cyclist by Chris Carmichael to be a terrific training tool for becoming a faster mountain biker and cyclist overall. If your looking for a way to push your mountain bike training up to the next notch, check this out. It's a quick and easy read with a ton of helpful tips. Texas Mountain Bike Trails - http://www.texasmountainbiketrails.com Texas Mountain Bike Trails helps new mountain bikers learn tips and find trails in Texas. Stop by and say hi, there is lots of information to learn. Texas Mountain Bike Trails - http://www.texasmountainbiketrails.com