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Here is how to get the proper angle for a BMX bike jump ramp using the string & compass measurement method. Our jump ramp is 4 feet long and 2 feet high, and we used a 6-foot rope to trace the angle of the takeoff jump ramp. The landing ramp is a straight line. If you want a steeper angle for your BMX bike, you can use a shorter rope, and the angle of the ramp will be steeper and deeper. If you make it too steep, you risk landing on your head when you take off. The 2 foot by 4 foot ramp with a 6 foot string and compass measured takeoff angle is just right. We get good height on the jumps as well as pretty good distance, and it is safe enough for kids to learn on. Just tie a string to something heavy on one end, and a pen or pencil 6 feet away on the other end. Then make sure the pencil lines up with the 2 corners of your 2 x 4 foot sheet of 3/4" plywood and trace out the angle. Cut it with a jigsaw, then use it as a template for the other side of the ramp, and connect them with 2x4s and put some 3/8" plywood over the top. That's how to measure the angle of a BMX Jump ramp and put it together. Our ramp works great, and the kids love it. If you're building one, I recommend making it at least a foot wider than the ramp in the video, as new riders may miss the landing on a 2-foot-wide ramp.