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1m 20sLänge

I broke my chain so I decided to film some freecoaster type clips at Greenlawn Skatepark in Long Island, New York. Filmed in about 30 mins by Nick Papandrew. I usually put edits with music on my other channel ( http://www.youtube.com/billyridesadevice) but I got permission from my dude Bone$ to use his song "Alien" in my edit. Check out the music video for "Alien" here (http://youtu.be/geHiMhXBGs8) Like/Comment/and Subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed http://www.youtube.com/user/BillyPerryBMX (Follow Me) http://instagram.com/billyperry631 https://twitter.com/BillyPerry631 http://facebook.com/BillyPerryBMX (Follow The Leader) http://ftlbmx.com https://www.facebook.com/ftlbmx http://instagram.com/ftlbmx https://twitter.com/ftlbmx http://VolumeBikes.com @Volumebikes